U.S. Air Force Vanden​​berg Wind Data

See also: American Wind Energy Association

The INL has been working with the U.S. Air Force and other branches of the Department of Defense for several years doing wind data collection and assessment, wind power feasibility studies, and wind farm design. Vandenberg Air Force Base (AFB) is one of the bases where INL has performed wind power feasibility studies and des​ign. Wind data collected from this program are available through the hotspot links on the maps shown below.

Vandenberg north mapVandenberg south map


This wind data are being shared by the INL as public information collected through the Department of Energy and Department of Defense wind programs. No claims are made as to the complete accuracy of this information, and any misuse of this information is not the responsibility of the INL, the Department of Energy, or the Depar​tment of Defense.

INL provides wind data assistance as part of federal government-funded programs. All participants in these programs agreed to allow the collected wind data to be publicly posted and shared.​​​