Advanced modeling capabilities can incorporate real-world data, hardware and software into real-time simulations. At the INL Power and Energy Real-Time Laboratory (PERL), there is diverse expertise and the ability to co-simulate electrical, thermal and mechanical systems. The laboratory also can integrate with microgrid test beds and simulation resources at other national laboratories. Augmenting PERL capabilities in real-time simulation are RTDS and Opal-RT assets located at the INL campus.
KEY CAPABILITIES On-site microgrid including micropower sources controlled via power electronics that look to the grid like a single controlled unit Chroma 61850 grid emulator, to mimic real-world events in the power grid, outputting single-phase or three-phase voltage and current in AC or DC form Control Hardware in the Loop (CHIL) and Power Hardware in the Loop (PHIL) simulations that enable researchers to evaluate both algorithm and hardware performances in real-world settings. High speed connectivity capability between PERL and NREL has demonstrated the feasibility to perform power simulation investigations on a continental scale. FOR MORE INFORMATIONPower and Energy Real-Time Laboratory (PERL)